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February 2023: BravoShop now in early access

Jan 20, 2024
Psst: This post was written retrospectively at the beginning of 2024 when the What's New section of our website launched, to showcase just how far we've come in the last 11 months. Enjoy!
- Lukas, founder of BravoShop

This is the first "What's New" ever. Since BravoShop itself is new, let me first tell you a bit about how it started.


I spent most of 2022 creating custom mobile apps for clients. One day, I was approached by an e-commerce brand. They were interested in creating a mobile app for their brand.

They had all the selling points prepared:

  • We want to be closer to our customers
  • We want to create a community around our brand, and be more than just a storefront
  • We want to reward our best customers
  • ... also, we heard an app converts at a much higher rate than a website

All very good arguments!

This was not a major brand. It was a fairly small, family-run business, who took great pride in providing the best service for their customers - and they wanted to take that even further.

After talking for a bit, they were less interested. Turns out building a custom app from scratch is... expensive. While they could see all the benefits of an app, the cost of building and maintaining a custom app from scratch was simply out of their reach.

New plan: Don't create an app. It's way too expensive!

But wait...

... what if it didn't have to be?

I mean, most e-commerce apps have the same core functionality:

  • View products and categories
  • Add to cart
  • Pay

... right?

So we got to work.

The product

Here we are, almost half a year later. In the last months, I have spoken to a lot of e-commerce owners and operators. Based on their feedback, BravoShop is now ready to launch to a select group of e-commerce brands. We don't have every feature yet, but we are releasing new ones every week.

This is what it currently looks like (taken from a demo I recorded a while back):

BravoShop demo image

We are launching with these features:

  • A drag-and-drop layout builder, with 6 different blocks
  • Manual push notifications
  • Simple app settings like app icon, app name and brand color.
  • Instagram integration so you can share your latest Instagram posts in the app
  • And finally: The app can be published in the App Store and on Google Play under the brand's own name

We have kept the scope tight to ensure a relatively quick launch. We will add more features every week based on customer feedback. And before you know it, you will be able to do all kinds of cool things.

I would know, since I'm writing this a year in the future 😉

Follow along and get notified when we make updates to BravoShop.

Ready to learn more?

We help you through the entire process of building and launching your mobile app. Book a demo below and get started.