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March 2023: Set up automated push notification flows and change the app theme

Jan 21, 2024
Psst: This post was written retrospectively at the beginning of 2024 when the What's New section of our website launched, to showcase just how far we've come in the last 11 months. Enjoy!
- Lukas, founder of BravoShop

What a month! While you can test a lot of things internally, nothing beats getting your app into the hands of actual customers.

I am truly grateful for the early adopters who are willing to bet on BravoShop. Only with your input can we make BravoShop the best platform for launching an e-commerce app. 🫡

This month we released 2 big improvements:

  1. Automated push campaigns (what we call Flows)
  2. Theme settings


This month we have taken a lot of inspiration from email marketing. While sending out regular manual campaigns is great, there is also a lot to do when it comes to automation.


With Flows you can set up push notifications that are automatically sent out in reaction to specific events.

Starting out, these events are:

  • Abandoned Cart
  • New User
  • Inactive User

Our hope is that these automations will allow you to capture revenue that would otherwise have been lost.

P.S. If you need an automation to start based on another event than the ones we already support, please reach out!

Set up your own flows today →

Theme settings

Another major learning has been that while most e-commerce businesses need the same core functionality in an app, they are (of course) unique brands! To capture each brand's uniqueness, we have added a new list of settings, which we call your App Theme.

Right now the theme includes the most essential colors and labels. However, we are planning on continually increase the number of theme settings available to merchants.

As always, we would be grateful for any feedback you have!

Customize your app's theme →

Other changes

New currencies

To make BravoShop accessible to more parts of the world, we need to allow merchants to present their app in their preferred currency and language.

That's why we have added support for an additional 14 currencies.

Next up: Languages 👀

New block: Category Grid

As we mentioned previously, brands are unique. Therefore they also require unique ways to showcase their products and collections.

We have added a new Category Grid block to allow you to show up to 24 categories in a grid.

Categories grid block

If there are any other blocks you think we should add, let us know!

Recommendations when getting started

Most e-commerce owners and operators have their website under control. They know the possibilities, limitations, and how to get the most out of it. However, very few have experience operating a mobile app. It can be hard to get started!

To address this concern, we have added a list of recommended actions when your app is published to the App Store.

Recommendations to get started with your app

Other changes and improvements

  • You can now choose the order categories appear in for your category blocks
  • You can now send push notifications to the preview app
  • We have improved the search layout for long category names
  • If a product has the compare at price set to 0, the app will no longer show it as an offer
  • We no longer show products in the app, if they have been removed from the BravoShop sales channel
  • The search algorithm now better handles unusual characters
  • Customers will no longer rarely get rate limited when they try to register an account
  • In rare cases, the app would crash if a customer tried to scroll in the opposite direction as intended. This no longer happens.

That's all for now. See you next month (or really: tomorrow 😉)!

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Ready to learn more?

We help you through the entire process of building and launching your mobile app. Book a demo below and get started.