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April 2023: BravoShop is now multilingual

Jan 22, 2024
Psst: This post was written retrospectively at the beginning of 2024 when the What's New section of our website launched, to showcase just how far we've come in the last 11 months. Enjoy!
- Lukas, founder of BravoShop

When BravoShop launched, the app only supported a single language: Danish. A bit odd since the platform itself was only available in English.

This month we expanded the list of available languages considerably. While the BravoShop platform is still only available in English (and probably will be for a while), the app we create for your store is now available in 8 languages:

  1. English
  2. Danish
  3. German
  4. Spanish
  5. French
  6. Dutch
  7. Norwegian
  8. Swedish

Having an app in the local language of your customers is a great way to increase trust. You wouldn't launch an app for the Swedish market in Danish... 😳

If you want to offer the app in multiple language, you can also do that. All text inputs support adding translations.

Text input with multiple languages

Adding more languages will be an ongoing effort. While we can go ahead and support many more languages immediately, it will also create a larger burden on the team whenever we want to launch a new feature, since everything will need to be translated to all the above languages.

If you are already using BravoShop, your app's language will automatically be updated to match the language(s) of your store. And if your local language is not on the list above, please reach out!

Other changes and improvements

  • We added 3 new text blocks, allowing you more freedom over the text content of your app
  • The "Active Users" statistic no longer counts test users. It will now more accurately reflect the number of people who are using your app
  • You can now customize more colors and texts from the theme settings
  • We implemented a more intuitive way to add space between and around blocks

Thanks for keeping up! As always, let us know if you have any questions or feedback.

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