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May 2023: Send push notifications to the exact right customers

Jan 23, 2024
Psst: This post was written retrospectively at the beginning of 2024 when the What's New section of our website launched, to showcase just how far we've come in the last 11 months. Enjoy!
- Lukas, founder of BravoShop

When we launched, our feature set was very limited.

One of the questions we get most often is "Do you integrate with X?", where X is a Shopify App the customer already has installed. Since there are a lot of apps in the Shopify App Store (more than 8,000 according to Shopify), we frequently have to disappoint: "No, sorry".

However, if you've interacted with our support, you already know the follow-up:

Could I ask you a few questions about how you would like to use that integration?

We often don't need to implement a full integration - just the part you actually want to use. And since the integration is now limited in scope, we can move quick. If we agree that an integration would make sense (both for you and potentially for other customers), it rarely takes more than 7 days before the new feature is available.

That's how we keep a small but focused feature set. All based on feedback from customers and interested merchants.

Leading us to today's announcements... 🚀

Targeted push notifications

One thing we have heard frequently is that while push notifications are great, it would be nice if you didn't need to send the same push notifications to all your customers.

Today, we are introducing targeted push notifications.

Targeted push notifications

Whether you want to notify customers who are interested in a certain product, or you want to notify just a single customer, push targeting will let you do that.

And if you want to target push notifications based on another parameter? Let us know!

New integration: Back in Stock emails

Sometimes you run out of inventory. Don't let that deter sales! With our newest integration, you can capture emails for your out of stock products, automatically notifying customers when the product is back in stock.

This is all set up via the Appikon ‑ Back In Stock app.

The integration can be activated directly from the Extensions list.

Other changes and improvements

  • Blocks that support a link can now also be used to link to specific shop pages
  • The blog section can now correctly show recipes from apps like RecipeKit
  • Animations in the app will now use your brand color
  • The product search feature will now also look for a match in the product tags
  • You can now enter your Terms of Service page in the app settings. This will add another menu item to the More menu.
  • Your customers can now add coupon codes during checkout
  • The app now correctly handles links in product descriptions
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Ready to learn more?

We help you through the entire process of building and launching your mobile app. Book a demo below and get started.