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June 2023: App links, Meta integration, and open hours

Jan 24, 2024
Psst: This post was written retrospectively at the beginning of 2024 when the What's New section of our website launched, to showcase just how far we've come in the last 11 months. Enjoy!
- Lukas, founder of BravoShop

While as a business owner you may see each sales channel as a distinct (almost separate) part of your business, customers see it as one thing: your brand.

This month we released features to more closely connect your app to your website.

Even if customers have your app installed, they may sometimes need to open a link to your website. Sometimes they search for one of your products in Google, other times they open a link directly from one of your Instagram posts.

With our newest extension, app links, you can have these links open directly in the app!

This allows for a more seamless brand experience, and increase conversion rates since the app will (probably) already have the customer's info saved.

To enable this for your app, go to the App Links extension →

Meta integration

If you have ever run ad campaigns on Meta's platform, you know the importance of providing accurate conversion data. Without this data, their algorithm will not know who to show your ads to - and your campaign performance will suffer.

Starting today, the app can be set up to accurately measure installs, product views, and purchases.

To set it up for your app, please contact support.

Open hours

For most merchants, their online store is always open. That's one of the beauties of online sales! If you offer immediate delivery, however, this is not the case.

If you only want to allow customers to check out during specific times of the day, you can now set up Open Hours. This will disable checkout outside your specified times, and ask customers to come back at a later time.

Other changes and improvements

  • You can now allow customers to add a product to their cart directly from the overview
  • We have added an option to show a % discount banner on the product overview
  • Customers can now leave an order note
  • The app now correctly handles RTL languages
  • We have fixed a bug where sending large amounts of push notifications would fail
  • We have fixed a bug where links to products would sometimes not open in the app from the Blog section (Android only)
  • We have fixed a bug where an order would rarely not immediately show up in the app after payment
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Ready to learn more?

We help you through the entire process of building and launching your mobile app. Book a demo below and get started.